Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; 13 OCT 89 17:20:23 GMT Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2053; Fri, 13 Oct 89 17:20:33 BS Received: from by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2571; Fri, 13 Oct 89 17:20:31 B Received: by CEARN (Mailer R2.03B) id 3342; Fri, 13 Oct 89 16:50:58 GVA Date: Tue, 10 Oct 89 09:40:25 MDT Reply-To: INFO-ATARI16@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Sender: INFO-ATARI16 Discussion Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was INFO-A16@MARIST From: INFO-ATARI16-REQUEST@MIL.ARMY.WSMR-SIMTEL20 Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #505 Comments: To: INFO-ATARI16@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 10 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 505 Today's Topics: apple laptop - STacy at WAACE Atarifest in Va./Video Board Hi Anyone out there..... Mac emulators and games Mathematica and Spectre 128 official tos 1.4 release PC-Ditto II/ PC-Speed PC-Ditto II Availability (2 msgs) STARTGEM FOR 1.4 & OLD TOS TOS 1.4 problem Unix Windows What's ST mean? Where is LaTex ??????????? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 9 Oct 89 20:41:34 GMT From: portal!! (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: apple laptop - STacy at WAACE All my doubts have been laid to rest. This weekend at the WAACE AtariFest I SAW, and USED the STacy and the Portfolio. VERY solid machines, these were not demo machines - they had a very sharp production feel. The STacy I used had 4 megs of RAM and one internal DD drive - it was hooked up to an external HD and a Spectre GCR - hence, Mac laptop! My only complaint is that the screen was a bit dim even at the best setting and the refresh was understandably slower than a standard ST/MAC screen. I was very impressed with the construction and feel of the machine, it also looked quite impressive in its dark black/blue case. Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 20:54:11 GMT From: portal!! (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: Atarifest in Va./Video Board Image Systems has a sub $1,000 board for the ST that allows any multi-sync to be connected to the ST (if it is capable of running at 50 KHz horizontal and capable of the resolution.) It extends the color palette to 4,096 (vs. 512.) and has a 1,024x768 display with 16 colors (non-interlaced.) It also has a socket for a 68881 math co-processor. Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 21:01:15 GMT From:!pitt!cuphub! Subject: Hi Anyone out there..... Hi Anybody out there, I am quite new to this. I just discovered the network a few days ago and with great difficulty learnt how to post messages. I'm glad I know how to. I'll be glad to hear from anyone near or far. Also someone please help me regarding how to send mail to an individual rather than post it on the news group..... thanx Ajay Ajay Bhandaram P.O Box 336 California, Pa.15419 U.S.A (California University of Pennsylvania) ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 20:20:17 GMT From: portal!! (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: Mac emulators and games Some games work, some do not, and some work with conditions. QuarterStaff will work fine on a Mega 4 (only) even though it is copy-protected! The major consideration is whether or not the program was written to Apple guidelines and whether or not the software addresses any special MAC chips, is they do, forget it, if they don't you stand a good chance - especially if the is no copy-protection. Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 20:37:06 GMT From: portal!! (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: Mathematica and Spectre 128 I'm not sure about Mathematica, but I saw (and bought!) and great math utility program at the WAACE fest. Its called El-Cal and its by Debonair Software/J.Andrezej Wrotniak. A VERY powerful math program with fast calculation and superb graphing abilities with 16 digit precision. 36 standard functions, 44 disribution functions, function, histogram, and scatter plots (all this from the data sheet by the way), linear, square, and cubic equations, numerical equation solving, linear regression and correlation (W/ plotting), polynomial least squares up to the 6th degree. etc. etc. etc. and an EXCELLENT user interface - not an amateur job by any means - all for $40!! Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 20:24:50 GMT From: portal!! (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: official tos 1.4 release What makes this all even more interesting is that rumors were flying at the WAACE AtariFest that TOS 1.4 will be showing up on 2 chip ROM (not EPROM) sets in the next few weeks (which should take care of the 'weak Bus' problems some Mega owners have been having - but even more interesting is the rumored release of TOS 1.6! Which Mr Hartmann didn't refute (although in all fairness he also didn't back this rumor...) Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 20:48:10 GMT From: portal!! (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: PC-Ditto II/ PC-Speed I haven't seen PC-Speed yet, niether have Dave Small or Jim Allen. Their comments were that it was Germany, it was supposed to be good, it does require soldering, and that they can't guarantee that it will work with Spectre GCR or the FAST Technologies 16mhz board (in fact I think Mr Allen said for sure that it wouldn't work with the accel board because of the soldering connection.) Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 23:35:49 GMT From: texbell!bigtex!milano!!oakhill!dover!digital! (Jinfu Chen) Subject: PC-Ditto II Availability In article <2180@cbnewsl.ATT.COM> mgh1@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (matthew.g.hetman) writes: > > I just came across another hardware mod for the ST called >PC Speed and it is being sold by Michtron. It is REAL and I have seen it >for sale here in good old New Jersey. It is said to have a Norton SI rating >of over 4.0. A friend has one installed and has found anything yet that does >not run. He is using it with TOS 1.4 and says it is fa----st. > > Its list price is about >$100.00 above the list price of PC-Ditto II. I'm very interested, could you provide us more information on this product? For example: o CPU and speed? (8086,8088, v20/30, 80286 :-), 8/10/12 Mhz) o Graphic mode ? o Version of PC-DOS ? o Floating point chip support? ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 20:45:27 GMT From: portal!! (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: PC-Ditto II Availability The latest I've heard on PC-Ditto II comes from Jim Allen, maker of the FAST Technologies 16mhz board and close friend of Bill Teal. PC-Ditto II is waiting for parts, most noticablly the ribbon cable with a special clip that attaches to the 68000. It was decided that the board would sell more if no soldering was involved, and so a custom ribbon cable with clip was designed. When? Soon... :-] Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 10 Oct 89 06:23:09 GMT From: bnlux0!! (Andrew Como) Subject: STARTGEM FOR 1.4 & OLD TOS Hello netters! I'm in desperate need of a STARTGEM that will recognize old tos versions as well as 1.4. My company has several 1040 ST's out in the field and I need a utility that will universally boot on all of them. Instead of having to keep track of which ones have which ROM set. (yes, I know TOS 1.4 can autoboot using install application but that still doesn't make the field disks universal...) Thanks in advance, San or ------------------------------ Date: 9 Oct 89 20:31:57 GMT From: portal!! (Peter Ted Szymonik) Subject: TOS 1.4 problem Here's my two-cents - after my TOS 1.4 install my entire HD was messed up, the FAT table was destroyed - and no, unfortunetaly I have no idead why. I do know that after some playing around I got a few programs to work fine, but most bombed with TOS error #35 or file not found errors. After reformatting the whole HD and restoring every program from the *original disks* (for some reason my old backups would not run either!) EVERY program is now running fine. I am having the dead machine problem which I'm working on now - the system acts as if it was too cold... Peter Szymonik ------------------------------ Date: 10 Oct 89 00:54:16 GMT From: sdcc6!sdcc13! (C. Squibby Breyman) Subject: Unix Windows I am trying to run unixwindows (uw.arc) on my 520fm but I can't set rs232 because by mouse pointer disappears. Does one need 1 meg to run this properly? Also, are the unix side drivers available? Where? Thanks, C. Breyman ------------------------------ Date: 7 Oct 89 12:16:06 GMT From: spdcc!merk!alliant!linus!nixbur!nixpbe! (Martin Boening) Subject: What's ST mean? (Lee Dickey) writes: >In article <> writes: >ST --> SixTeen ? >TT --> ThirtyTwo ? Nope - not quite. Rather: ST --> Sixteen/Thirtytwo (16-Bit data bus/ thirtytwo bit internal architecture of the MC68000 Processor) TT --> Thirtytwo/Thirtytwo (32 Bit databus and internal architecture of the MC68030 Processor) Are y'all happy now? Martin -- Email: in the USA -> ...!uunet!philabs!linus!nixbur!mboening.pad outside USA -> ?...!mcvax?!unido!nixpbe!mboening.pad Paper Mail: Martin Boening, Nixdorf Computer AG, DS-CC22, Pontanusstr. 55, 4790 Paderborn, W.-Germany ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 Oct 89 09:40:58 GMT From: Laurent Subject: Where is LaTex ??????????? Does someone know where I can find an St version of LaTex? and post me the name of a site where I can get it || I am desesperately searching one |||| Thanks -------------------------------------------------------- Laurent BRUEL | | Laboratoire d'optique des surfaces | | et des couches minces | BRUEL at FRMRS11 | Domaine universitaire de St Jerome | | 13397 Marseille CEDEX 13 | | FRANCE | | -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #505 *****************************************